Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day

This weekend is one of my favorite times of year! I love Mother's Day now because being a mom was something I wanted for so long. It is so sweet now but it wasn't always. I remember longing to be a mom and dreading church that day because I couldn't stand and be recognized. The last Mother's Day before I became a mom was especially hard. We had been trying with no luck for several years and I was discouraged. 2 very special ladies knew my heartache and that morning they prayed with me. 2 months later I learned I was pregnant and the next Mother's Day I was holding my sweet Benjamin! God used those 2 women in my life to pray and bind their faith with me, even when I didn't feel like I had much faith and they believed God would open my womb. He is faithful! I had hoped desperately and have been praying that our second child would be in my arms this Mother's Day. It has been my prayer for the past 4 or so years that we would have our second, and third, and fourth child. ( that was our plan). I believe that our baby is out there. That he/she has been conceived and that a birthmother is trying to make an important decision. Please pray with me and Nate and Benjamin that she chooses an adoption plan and that she chooses us. I am ready to be a new mom again!

To those of you who are struggling with wanting to be a mom, try reading Psalm 113:9. It was the verse and the promise given to me when I needed comfort. Note that it says "CHILDREN". That's what I am holding onto. Even though I may not know you, I am praying for your longing heart to have children of your own. God is faithful.......
To the moms out there....Happy Mother's Day!!

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