Monday, June 22, 2009


So, to cut to the chase.....we know that our profile book will be shown twice this week to 2 separate moms who each have due dutes within weeks. We are praying for God's favor as these moms meet us by reading our letters and seeing our pictures. PRAY, please PRAY that these moms will be drawn to us and the love God has placed in us for them and the baby. PRAY that we are chosen to raise one ( or why not both?!) of these babies. PRAY nothing stops this choice and that we finally get to hold our baby. PRAY.
It's my heart crying out to you to agree with us. We will hear something this week. PRAY that we get the most wonderful news!


Beth said...

I am so glad you posted this, I wanted to ask about it you know what day? I am praying as if each day is the day the book is being shown. Call me as soon as you get the call...or close you!

Libby said...

I am praying for you girlie!
Your blessing is coming I just know it!!!!
Love ya!